about me





I want a 2002 Blue Mustang Convertible. But any of these will do. Feel free to buy it for me!!!

Here I am!

This is me and my lovely friend, Tamika!!! I miss you girl!!!


This is me the day of my cousin's wedding. I was in the wedding!


Hi my name is Sara Jade.
I live in Syracuse, New York. I go to SUNY Cortland. I am going back home next semester. Then I will transfer somewhere else. Hopefully I will have better luck!!!

Aim sn is Lucky2Birish82 and e-mail address is sjadec@yahoo.com

This is my favorite cousin, Amanda. I love you Amanda. We'll hang out more when I come back home. I can't wait!!!


Cousin to Cousin

We're from the same source,
the same family tree,
Into this world we sprouted
call it destiny!
It's cousin to cousin
a special thing
A closeness to which we're tied,
And you've always been there
to laugh with me
Or even when I've cried.
Anyway I think it's fantastic
that you were meant to be,
A part of my life, my cousin,
You'll always be special to me!

~ author unknown ~

This is me when I was a baby. See I used to be cute!!! Don't laugh at me!


A door; Actual size=180 pixels wide

What's up with the eyes?




May 2001

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~If you are lucky enough to be Irish you are lucky enough~


This is my Matthew!!! I love you and will forever!!! Matt you have made the past 20 months of my life the best!!! You are my everything.


Hi Matthew and Rach, I love you guys!!! <3



<~~~This an old picture of Rachel (my best friend)! Rach I know you are going to kill me for this but I LOVE YOU!!!

This is Rach at graduation June 2000 with her long hair!!! ~~~~~~>

I would just like to say that Rach and I have been friends for about 10 years now. There is a reason for that...she makes me laugh, she makes me cry, she makes me laugh so hard that I cry, she has a great personality, and most of all she knows EVERYTHING about me and she is still my friend!!! She has been there through the best times and the worst.

This is the most recent picture of Rach, it was taken June 2001! It is a little close.


Yesterday brought the beginning, tomorrow brings the end but somewhere in the middle we've become the best of friends.

The about me page has more pics!

Sara Jade

A friend is someone who knows all about you and loves you anyway.

There is only one happiness in life, to love and to be loved.

Happiness isn't the easiest thing to find, but one place you're guaranteed to find it is in a friend's smile.